women’s health


Tag: women’s health

Somalia: The deadly toll of healthcare access challenges for women and children

Many women and children in Baidoa, Somalia, have to undertake journeys of hundreds of miles to reach medical facilities. To make matters worse, insecurity and violence often lead to delays that exacerbate health conditions and tragically, sometimes even lead to...

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World Health Day: Women’s healthcare challenges in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, Rohingya refugees fleeing violence and persecution in Myanmar have sought refuge in Cox's Bazar district where MSF has been providing medical services since 1992. The latest and the largest influx occurred in 2017, when nearly 700,000 Rohingya entered...

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Women’s health: Self-care tips for managing your own health

Take charge of your own health by becoming more familiar with your body and monitoring it regularly. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your health stays on track: Download 'Self-care tips: Managing your health' CHECK YOUR...

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