

Tag: Somalia

Somalia: The deadly toll of healthcare access challenges for women and children

Many women and children in Baidoa, Somalia, have to undertake journeys of hundreds of miles to reach medical facilities. To make matters worse, insecurity and violence often lead to delays that exacerbate health conditions and tragically, sometimes even lead to...

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Extreme violence in Las Anod forces MSF to close activities 

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has reached the difficult decision to withdraw our services from Las Anod General Hospital, Sool region, located within the internationally-recognised borders of Somalia,* due to increased volatility and repeated security incidents which have impacted the safe...

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Why is cholera killing hundreds across the Horn of Africa when it is so preventable?

Cholera outbreaks are occurring with increasing frequency, and lasting for longer, across Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. Tetiana Gaviuk, communications manager of the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) questions in this piece why the death toll from...

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Measles: tackling a deadly endemic disease in Somalia

As Somalia faces a severe drought and ongoing conflict, children of all ages have become increasingly vulnerable to contracting – and dying from – measles. Although the disease is entirely preventable, measles outbreaks of varying severity have become widespread across...

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