

Tag: migration

“Violence, desperation and abandonment on the migration route”: MSF presents its migration report in Mexico and Central America

Migrants crossing through Mexico and Central America are in an unprecedented state of vulnerability. From the diverse areas of work from Doctors Without Borders (MSF) – medic, mental health, social work, and health promotion – we have been able to...

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MSF: EU policies are killing people as they search for safety

30 June, 2023 – Following the shipwreck of 14 June which left up to 500 people dead or missing off the coast of Greece, international humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) denounces EU migration policies and calls for...

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Not another migration ‘crisis’: EU leaders continue to push through deadly policies

More people than ever recorded are currently forcibly displaced from their homes by conflict, human rights violations, climate change, and the economic consequences resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Across Europe, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) continues to witness people...

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“Title 42 ends, but migration crisis continues in Mexico and Central America,” says Doctors Without Borders

On May 11, when the Biden administration ends the COVID-19 public health emergency nationally, Title 42, a public health order used to shut down asylum at the US southern border for more than three years, officially comes to an end.Invoked...

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MSF denounces the inhumane treatment of migrants turned back from Algeria and Libya

From January to May 2022, MSF recorded 14,196 migrants expelled from Algeria, including 6,749 non-Nigeriens. Some 139 of these migrants were women, and 30 were minors. Approximately two thousand migrants are expelled from Algeria and Libya every month on average,...

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Ethiopia: Providing assistance to people in Ethiopia and Sudan in wake of Tigray violence

Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia after fighting broke out in early November 2020, according to OCHA [1]. Some 50,000 people have crossed into Sudan as refugees, while many...

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USA: MSF demands US ends deportations to stop COVID-19 spread to fragile health systems

MEXICO CITY/NEW YORK – The United States government must suspend all deportations to Latin America and the Caribbean, a process that is moving people from the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States to lower transmission countries and which will exacerbate a...

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