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Standardised Mortality Surveys

This collection of files includes an overview of the whole process of conducting a mortality survey and templates for concept papers, the protocol, questionnaires and consent and other related forms. Surveys that use this standardised


India skips 6 Of 16 key WHO recommendations on TB

India does not implement six out of the 16 key World Health Organisation (WHO)- recommended tuberculosis (TB) control policies in diagnosis, patient care and treatment, a new global report has found. Four other policies that are a

Photo: Christina Simons/MSF

Educating nurses in resource-poor areas

Jai Defranciscis is an Australian nurse with a passion for paediatrics and education in resource-poor settings. Last year she joined the international medical aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – also known as Doctors Without

Photo: Benoit Finck/MSF

Cryptococcal Meningitis: A neglected NTD?

Although HIV/AIDS has been anything but neglected over the last decade, opportunistic infections (OIs) are increasingly overlooked as large-scale donors shift their focus from acute care to prevention and earlier antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation. Of


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